Sex Dolls

128cm sex doll

[block id=”blogads”] (Popularity: 71) What is the name of the movie starring Ryan Gosling in which he fell in love with inflatable dolls? Russ and real girls. A lone man has an affair with a bouncy doll he believes is a real person. Despite a lot of laughs (how could there not be?), it’s largely …

128cm sex doll Read More »

Should I buy a realistic silicone doll for my boyfriend?

The sex industry has seen many unexpected changes over the past few years. Advances in the technological world and the availability of advanced materials and equipment have also enabled businesses to offer something surprising and fascinating. In response, today’s adult toys are very different from those created just a few years ago. Among the plethora …

Should I buy a realistic silicone doll for my boyfriend? Read More »

I’m currently paying for a storage unit that only has a 6ft 90lb sex doll, can I legally sell this storage unit?

[ad_1] Long story short yes I used to be a lonely weirdo and bought a sex doll when I was drunk and then one day I had a girlfriend and I didn’t know what to do with the doll so I bought a storage unit, Put it in there but I got tired of paying …

I’m currently paying for a storage unit that only has a 6ft 90lb sex doll, can I legally sell this storage unit? Read More »